Contact a Certified Clinician

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“Locate a Certified Clinician” is provided by NAWCO® as a service convenience to guests and users of this website, and should not be relied upon as an alternative to medical advice from a physician or healthcare provider. Use of this service convenience does not create any relationship between or among you, as guest and user, the certified clinician and NAWCO. Any relationship arising as a result of the contact is solely between you and the certified clinician. Certified clinicians referred to or linked to from this site are certificants of the NAWCO Association and are presently, or have been previously, Certified by NAWCO. Credentials are awarded for a five year period and NAWCO makes no warranties, guarantees or statements about the current status of any clinician’s credentials. NAWCO does not screen, endorse or recommend any certified clinician referred to or linked to from this site. NAWCO makes no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, as to the accuracy, quality, reliability or ethicality of any information or services provided by any certified clinician referred to or linked to from this site. The information you, as the guest and user, receive should not be construed as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from your physician or healthcare provider. NAWCO shall not be liable for any damages that result from your reliance on or use of information or services referred to or linked to from this site.